A Look Back at London's Food Truck Debacle
BRYAN LAVERY Here we go again. The London City Council is ready to revive the discussion on food trucks in London. As reported by the London Free Press Wednesday, city councilors are reviving the proposal the previous council rejected. Mayor Matt Brown and Councillor Josh Morgan are expected to be pro-food trucks and propose that city staff spend the next month reviving the plan with a view to launching a pilot program this summer. The request is expected to go to the Community and Protective Services Committee tonight. Last year, the London Food Truck Pilot reignited debate and Community and Protective Services Committee voted 5-0 to refer the food truck pilot proposal back to a special meeting. The issue has been a hotly debated for two years. Among the more disappointing proposals was a recommended cap of 12 trucks and a lottery for licences. City council eventually decided, by an 8-6 vote, not to permit f ood trucks on City of London streets. The ...